
Some Pros Praise Pig Light Show

Mark Tulin (The Electric Prunes)

"I was there back then and I know what it was like.If you were there too or want to know what it was like, until they invent time travel Marc's amazing light show is visually as close as you are going to get. "

Genya Ravan (Ten Wheel Drive, Baby, and as Genya Ravan)

“Oh Marc, I love it… what a great show.”

Michael Shrieve  (Santana, Go, Spellbinder, and others)

“If you want the real deal, the real light show that moves and swirls like days gone by, like days many people wish they were there for, but were not, then you need to go to Marc Rubinstein and his fabulous Pig Light Show.”

Howard Kaylan (Turtles, Mothers of Invention, Florescent Leech and Eddie) 

“I was there. And yet I remember. There wouldn't have been The Sixties as we all recall them without Pig Light Show. There were others who followed, but these were the guys that made the Fillmore such a great place to perform. And as an audience member and true fan of the music - then and now - the added dimension of total immersion made a concert more than just a show. Pig Light Show's contribution to the psychedelic movement, that some say changed the world, is immeasurable.”

Elliott Randall (Seatrain, Randall’s Island, Steely Dan, etc.)

"Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow. The first 3 words that spring to mind at the mention ofPig Light Show and Marc Rubinstein. I've enjoyed the pleasures of having my music enhanced by Marc 'back in the day' of Bill Graham's legendary Fillmore East - live and in real-time! ...and having been recently reunited, and my mind blown yet again by Marc's present creative visual-to-musical works, it seemed only natural to ask him to collaborate.... It's such a great feeling to share the sensibilities of the 'classic' with the razor-edge technologies Marc and I enjoy today. And big respect to one of the true pioneers."

Mark Hudson (The Hudson Brothers, Aerosmith, Ringo Starr, Ozzy, etc.,)

"I don't need drugs… all I have to do is watch Pig Light Show and I'm as high as I want to be!"

Teddy Andreadis (Guns & Roses, Velvet Revolver, Alice Cooper, Carole King, Boxing Ghandis, and others)

"All I can say is Wow!!!!!! …a great artist that needs to be seen. I just don't get tired of watching...."

Peppy Castro (The Blues Magoos, Barnaby Bye, Jay and the Americans)

"Marc Rubinstein and the Pig Light Show stand the test of time. All others have faded away. The cream rises to the top!"

Rockwell "Desi" Sheraton (Michael Jackson and others, Recording Executive, Band Manager, Film Producer)

"...some of the most memorable times in my life were seeing his "Pig Light Shows." The bands, the music, the vibes. Much love and admiration for Marc!

 Chuck Hammer (David Bowie, Lou Reed, inventor of Guitarchitecture, and TV and Film composer)

“The work of Pig Light Show developed a critical connection between sound and vision in Rock and Roll. The concept of visual and sonic layering is fundamental at the root level of music performance. Pig light Show created an essential link in Rock history that has led directly to our current digital universe -and our understanding of the intertwined relationships between color, movement, emotions, and sound.”

Mike Hart (Molten Mike of Lenny and the Lensmen, light artist, UK)

“Pig Light show have enhanced music for approx. 40 years and are recognised as the gold standard in lighting bands...They were my inspiration to do light shows in the UK. They are true artists....”

You get the idea. 

All pages © 2024 Pig Light Show and Marc L. Rubinstein